White Paper

Table of Contents:

  • Dear Investors
  • Our Platform
  • Our Mission
  • The Current Limitation
  • The Innovation
  • Market Validation
  • Competitive Positioning
  • Tokenomics
  • Roadmap
  • Team
  • Community and Engagement
  • Closing Note

April 2024

Dear Investors,

Thank you for considering Lool.Vision for your investment. Our mission is to revolutionize the online shopping experience by creating the most technologically advanced marketplace for physical goods. With your support, we aim to transform traditional e-commerce through the integration of virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain technology, offering users an immersive and secure shopping environment.

Your investment will help us bring this visionary marketplace to life, setting a new standard for online shopping. Together, we can create a platform that not only meets the needs of today’s consumers but also sets new benchmarks for the future of e-commerce.

We look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you and achieving great success together.


The Lool.Vision Team

Our Platform

loolmarket is the first crypto marketplace that seamlessly integrates cryptocurrency payments, offering a secure and efficient platform for buying and selling goods. Built as part of the Lool.Vision project, its free as fredom, it supports stable coin transactions and allows sellers to manage their stores independently. With its flexible in all policies and diverse product range, loolmarket is designed to provide users with a smooth and decentralized shopping experience.

Lool.Market prioritizes customer protection and security, ensuring a trustworthy and reliable shopping experience. Our platform offers robust buyer protection measures, including web3 payment processes and a comprehensive dispute resolution system. Payment is only released to sellers after the buyer confirms receipt of the item, adding an extra layer of security. Our commitment to protecting customer information and transactions underscores our dedication to creating a secure and transparent marketplace where users can engage confidently and safely.

Lool.Market opens doors to sellers from around the globe, allowing anyone to start selling their items from anywhere in the world.

Our Mission

Shop like in real life. Lool.Vision is poised to transform the online shopping experience by creating the most technologically advanced marketplace for physical goods. Our platform aims to provide a secure, user-friendly, and immersive shopping experience. Lool.Vision will offer an innovative virtual reality environment, allowing users to shop as if they were in a real-life store.

The Current Limitations

E-commerce, despite its growth, still faces significant challenges that hinder user engagement and satisfaction. Traditional online shopping platforms are static and lack interactivity, failing to utilize modern technology to its full potential. Key issues include:

  • Limited User Interaction: Flat, 2D product representations hinder engagement and fail to capture the essence of physical products.
  • Outdated Technology: Static product pages, low resolution, and a lack of interactive features restrict product discovery and informed purchase decisions.
  • Lack of Product Interaction: Customers cannot fully experience products before purchase, leading to uncertainty and lower conversion rates.
  • Cryptocurrency Adoption: Most marketplaces do not support cryptocurrency payments, limiting payment options for users.
  • High Return Rates: The inability to visualize product fit and quality before purchase increases return rates, costing retailers significant revenue. Studies show the average return rate in traditional e-commerce is around 20-30%, primarily due to size and fit issues (Source: Invesp).
  • Low Customer Satisfaction: The impersonal nature of online shopping reduces overall satisfaction and loyalty.

The Innovation 

Lool.Vision is an innovative e-commerce platform that sells a wide range of physical goods, including electronics, clothing, home goods, and more. Our platform will include the following innovation VR and AI technology to provide users with an immersive and personalized shopping experience. Users can browse virtual stores, interact with products realistically, and make purchases using various cryptocurrencies.

AR/VR Technology Advantages

  • Immersive Shopping Experience: VR offers a more engaging and immersive shopping experience compared to traditional online shopping, increasing customer satisfaction and driving higher conversion rates.
  • Try Before You Buy: Customers can virtually try on products, reducing the need for returns and improving confidence in their purchase decisions.
  • Augmented Reality Product Visualization: Allow customers to virtually place furniture, clothing, or artwork in their own homes before buying using AR technology.
  • Virtual Showrooms and Stores: Retailers can create lifelike virtual showrooms or stores, showcasing their entire inventory without physical space limitations.
  • Customization and Personalization: VR allows for personalized shopping experiences, enabling customers to customize products in a virtual environment before purchasing.
  • Enhanced Product Visualization: Customers can view products from multiple angles and perspectives, providing a comprehensive understanding of the product.
  • Virtual Fitting Rooms: VR can simulate fitting rooms where customers can try on clothes virtually, enhancing convenience and boosting conversion rates.
  • Interactive Product Demonstrations: VR enables interactive demonstrations, allowing customers to interact with products in a meaningful way.
  • Social Shopping Experiences: VR platforms can facilitate social shopping, where users can shop together with friends or interact with other shoppers in a virtual environment.
  • Virtual Product Launches and Events: E-commerce businesses can use VR for virtual product launches, trade shows, and promotional events, reaching a wider audience without physical attendance.
  • Reduced Costs and Logistics: VR technology can reduce costs associated with physical stores and streamline logistics through virtual inventory management.
  • Sustainability: By reducing carbon emissions, minimizing physical store requirements, decreasing product returns, cutting packaging waste, and encouraging sustainable consumer behavior.
  • Reduced Product Returns: By providing accurate product representations, VR can minimize instances where customers receive items that differ from their expectations.
  • Gamification of Shopping: VR can turn shopping into an interactive and entertaining activity with challenges, rewards, and achievements.

Blockchain Integration

Blockchain technology has the potential to significantly impact the world of e-commerce, and Lool.Vision is actively exploring its possibilities. Key areas include:

  • Security and Trust: Blockchain’s core strength lies in its ability to create a secure and tamper-proof record of transactions, reducing fraud and improving data security.
  • Digital Ownership Verification: NFTs serve as proof of ownership for purchased products. 
  • Transparency and Traceability: Blockchain can track products throughout the supply chain, providing greater transparency about origin, materials, and manufacturing processes.
  • Decentralization and Disintermediation: Blockchain can facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries like payment processors or marketplaces.

AI Integration

Our platform will be driven by AI technology:

  • Effortless Product Discovery: AI enables users to find the best-fitting products with a single click, making the shopping process faster and more intuitive.
  • Automated Best Sellers: AI optimizes sales by automatically highlighting best-selling products without human intervention.
  • Exact Avatar Creation: AI creates precise avatars with exact measurements for virtual try-ons, enhancing the accuracy of the shopping experience.
  • Immersive Outfit Creation: AI allows users to measure hundreds of outfits per hour on their avatars, providing endless options for personalization.
  • Personalized Shopping Experiences: AI powers personalized recommendations and tailored shopping experiences, increasing user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Visual and Voice Search: AI enables customers to search for products using images or voice commands, making the shopping experience more intuitive and convenient.
  • AI-Powered Design & Manufacturing: Users can design and customize products on the fly using AI-powered tools that generate 3D models and connect directly with on-demand manufacturing.

Market Validation

Market Research:

1. Market Size and Growth Potential

The global marketplace sector has seen robust growth, driven by the increasing shift towards online shopping and the expansion of digital payment systems. According to eMarketer, global e-commerce sales are projected to exceed $7.3 trillion by 2025, highlighting the vast potential of the online marketplace business. This growth is fueled by rising internet penetration, mobile device usage, and a growing preference for convenient, on-demand shopping experiences.

2. Increasing Consumer Demand

Consumer behavior is increasingly favoring online platforms that offer a diverse range of products and services. The Global Web Index reports that 75% of internet users have made a purchase online in the past year, and 60% of these users prefer platforms that aggregate various sellers and products. This trend underscores the demand for comprehensive marketplaces that provide a one-stop shopping experience, catering to the evolving preferences of modern consumers.

3. Expanding Market Opportunities

The marketplace model benefits from scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to expand their product offerings and geographic reach without the constraints of traditional retail. A McKinsey report highlights that marketplace businesses can achieve higher growth rates compared to traditional e-commerce models, with some platforms experiencing annual growth rates of over 30%. This scalability is particularly advantageous for global marketplaces looking to tap into emerging markets and diverse consumer bases.

4. Technological Advancements

Technological innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and virtual reality (VR) are enhancing the functionality and appeal of global marketplaces. AI-driven personalization and recommendation systems improve the shopping experience, while blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent transactions. VR is poised to revolutionize online shopping by offering immersive and interactive experiences, further driving the growth of global marketplaces.

5. Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape for global marketplaces is dynamic, with key players like Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay dominating the sector. However, new entrants that leverage emerging technologies and unique value propositions are carving out significant market share. For instance, cryptocurrency integration is becoming a differentiator, as seen with our platform, which offer secure, decentralized transactions and attract a growing segment of digital currency users.

6. Consumer Trust and Security

Security and trust are paramount in the global marketplace sector. As per a Forrester survey, 70% of online shoppers prioritize security features when choosing a marketplace, and platforms that offer robust buyer protection and secure payment methods see higher customer retention rates. Ensuring the integrity of transactions and safeguarding consumer data are critical factors for success in the global marketplace business.

In summary, the our marketplace business presents a compelling opportunity with significant growth potential, driven by increasing consumer demand, technological advancements, and expanding market opportunities. By leveraging innovative technologies and prioritizing security, businesses can capitalize on this dynamic sector and achieve sustainable success.


  • User Interest: A survey conducted among 1,000 online shoppers revealed that 78% of respondents would prefer a more immersive shopping experience, with 54% specifically interested in virtual fitting rooms (Source: Statista).
  • Growth Potential: According to recent studies, the global VR market is expected to grow from $7.72 billion in 2020 to $26.89 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 19.6% (Source: Fortune Business Insights).
  • Consumer Preferences: Our research indicates that 63% of consumers are interested in using VR to enhance their online shopping experience, especially for trying on clothing and visualizing products in their own environment (Source: PwC).
  • Growing Adoption of Cryptocurrency in E-commerce: According to a 2023 survey conducted by Statista, 21% of online shoppers globally reported that they had used cryptocurrency for online purchases. This represents a significant increase from previous years, reflecting a growing acceptance and integration of digital currencies in e-commerce. Additionally, 43% of surveyed merchants indicated that they were considering or actively integrating cryptocurrency payment options to attract a broader customer base and tap into the expanding market of digital currency users.
  • Cryptocurrency Adoption: In another survey targeting cryptocurrency users, 47% expressed a strong interest in using crypto for everyday purchases, highlighting the potential for integrating cryptocurrency payment options (Source: CoinDesk).

Extensive Testing:

  • Testing Results: We have conducted extensive testing of this idea with a select group of users and received 98% positive feedback. Participants reported a highly satisfying and engaging shopping experience, reinforcing the viability and appeal of our platform.


  • User Testimonials: “I am excited about the possibility of using VR for online shopping. It would be great to try on clothes virtually before buying.” – Violeta Lungu, Survey Respondent.
  • Retailer Feedback: “The concept of a virtual store is intriguing. It has the potential to increase customer engagement and sales significantly.” – Anonym, Retailer.

Future Research and Development:

  • User Workshops: We plan to hold workshops with users to gather in-depth feedback and insights on their shopping preferences and expectations from a VR marketplace.
  • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous improvement of our platform based on user feedback and market trends. Regular updates and enhancements will be a key focus to ensure we stay ahead of the curve.

In conclusion, Lool.Market presents a compelling business opportunity with significant growth potential driven by increasing consumer demand, technological advancements, and expanding market opportunities. By integrating emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, and VR, Lool.Market offers a unique and immersive shopping experience tailored to evolving consumer preferences. Notably, Lool.Market stands out as the first cryptocurrency-based marketplace of its kind, presenting a distinctive competitive advantage in the industry. Our comprehensive market research and extensive user testing validate the viability and appeal of our platform, while our commitment to security and continuous improvement ensures we remain at the forefront of this dynamic sector. As we move forward, we are dedicated to leveraging these insights to drive innovation and achieve sustainable success with Lool.Market.

Competitive Positioninonig

1. First-Mover Advantage in Cryptocurrency Integration:

  • Lool.Market stands out as the first global marketplace to fully integrate cryptocurrency as a primary payment method. This early adoption allows us to tap into a niche market of digital currency users and differentiate ourselves from traditional marketplaces.

2. Advanced Technological Integration:

  • Our platform incorporates cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and virtual reality (VR). AI-driven personalization and recommendation systems enhance user experience by offering tailored product suggestions, while VR technology provides immersive shopping experiences, such as virtual fitting rooms and interactive product previews.

3. Comprehensive Security Measures:

  • Security is a cornerstone of our platform. By utilizing blockchain for transparent transactions and advanced encryption for data protection, Lool.Market ensures a secure environment for users. Our commitment to robust buyer protection policies and fraud detection mechanisms further strengthens trust and reliability.

4. Global Reach and Accessibility:

  • Lool.Market’s platform enables sellers from any location around the world to participate, significantly expanding our market reach. This global accessibility allows us to offer a diverse range of products and tap into international markets, catering to a broad and varied consumer base.

5. Scalable and Flexible Marketplace Model:

  • Our marketplace model is designed for scalability and flexibility, allowing for the easy addition of new products, categories, and features. This adaptability ensures that Lool.Market can quickly respond to changing market trends and consumer demands, maintaining a dynamic and relevant platform.

6. Innovative User Experience:

  • By integrating VR technology, we provide a unique and immersive shopping experience that traditional e-commerce platforms cannot offer. Features like virtual fitting rooms and 3D product visualization enhance user engagement, making shopping more interactive and enjoyable.

7. Smart Contracts and Automation:

  • Our use of smart contracts automates various marketplace functions, such as payment releases and dispute resolution. This automation reduces manual intervention, increases operational efficiency, and ensures consistency and reliability in transactions.

8. Web3 Interoperability:

  • Lool.Market’s compatibility with Web3 applications and decentralized platforms enhances our ecosystem. By integrating with other blockchain-based services and protocols, we offer additional functionalities and resources, enriching the user experience and positioning ourselves within the broader Web3 landscape.

9. Focus on Continuous Improvement:

  • We are dedicated to ongoing research and development, incorporating user feedback and market insights to continuously enhance our platform. Regular updates and feature enhancements ensure that Lool.Market stays at the forefront of technology and meets evolving consumer needs.

10. Strong Community Engagement:

  • Building a vibrant and engaged community is central to our strategy. We actively involve users, sellers, and stakeholders in our development process through workshops, surveys, and feedback sessions. This collaborative approach helps us tailor our offerings to better serve our audience and foster a loyal user base.

In summary, Lool.Market’s competitive advantages extend beyond cryptocurrency and Web3 technologies, encompassing advanced technological integrations, comprehensive security measures, global accessibility, and innovative user experiences. Our commitment to scalability, automation, and continuous improvement positions us as a leading player in the marketplace sector, ready to capitalize on emerging opportunities and drive sustained success.


Our project is poised to revolutionize the marketplace by leveraging cutting-edge VR technology to create an immersive shopping experience for physical goods. Our tokenomics strategy is designed to ensure robust growth, incentivize early adopters, and sustain long-term development. Below is the detailed breakdown of our token distribution:

Token Distribution

  • Seed: 6%, 60,000,000 tokens, $0.030/token. Vesting: 5% at (TGE) + 7 days, 1-month cliff, then linear release over 15 months.
  • Private: 18%, 180,000,000 tokens, $0.045/token. Vesting: 10% at TGE + 5 days, 1-month cliff, then linear release over 12 months.
  • Strategic: 1%, 10,000,000 tokens, $0.060/token. Vesting: 10% at TGE + 3 days, 1-month cliff, then linear release over 10 months.
  • Public: 2%, 20,000,000 tokens, $0.120/token. Vesting: 33% at TGE, then released over 2 months.
  • Safety & Instant Liquidity Reserve: 3%, 30,000,000 tokens. Vesting: 30 days cliff.
  • Ecosystem Development Fund: 30%, 300,000,000 tokens. Vesting: 1% at TGE, then linear release over 100 months.
  • Team: 15%, 150,000,000 tokens. Vesting: 6 months cliff, then linear release over 36 months.
  • Advisors: 3%, 30,000,000 tokens. Vesting: 6 months cliff, then linear release over 36 months.
  • Marketing: 8%, 80,000,000 tokens. Vesting: TGE + 14 days, then linear release over 36 months.
  • Staking & Incentives Rewards: 12%, 120,000,000 tokens. Vesting: 30 days cliff, then linear release over 5 months.
  • CEX/DEX Liquidity: 2%, 20,000,000 tokens. Vesting: 50% at TGE, remaining released over 3 months.

LOOL Token Utility

Purchase and Payments:

  • Primary Currency: Tokens will be used as the primary currency for purchasing goods and services on the marketplace.
  • Partial Payments: Allow users to make partial payments with tokens, combining them with fiat or other cryptocurrencies.
  • Discounts and Incentives: Offer discounts or cashback in tokens for purchases made using tokens.

Loyalty Programs:

  • Reward Points: Use tokens as reward points for every purchase, which can be accumulated and redeemed for discounts or get free products.
  • Memberships: Implement membership levels based on the number of tokens held, offering benefits like exclusive deals, early access to sales, or higher cashback rates.

Reviews and Feedback:

  • Incentivized Reviews: Reward users with tokens for providing detailed and honest reviews of products, encouraging high-quality feedback.
  • Product Testing: Offer tokens to users who participate in beta testing or provide feedback on new product launches.

Marketing and Referrals:

  • Referral Programs: Users can earn tokens by referring new customers to the platform.
  • Social Media Sharing: Reward users with tokens for sharing products or the marketplace on social media platforms.

Vendor and Merchant Benefits:

  • Vendor Fees: Allow vendors to pay listing fees or promotional fees in tokens.
  • Vendor Rewards: Reward vendors with tokens based on sales performance or customer satisfaction ratings.

AI and Personalization:

  • Personalized Recommendations: Use tokens to access premium AI-driven personalization features that enhance shopping experiences.
  • Data Sharing: Reward users with tokens for sharing additional data that can be used to improve AI algorithms.

    Educational Content:

    • Learning Modules: Provide educational content and tutorials on using the marketplace, with tokens rewarded for completing modules or quizzes.
    • Certifications: Offer certification programs where users can earn tokens upon completion.

    User-Generated Content:

    • Content Creation: Reward users with tokens for creating high-quality user-generated content for the products that you like.
    • Community Engagement: Encourage community engagement and content sharing by rewarding active users with tokens.
    • Community Proposals: Enable users to submit proposals for platform improvements and reward them with tokens if their proposals are implemented.

    In a marketplace driven by innovation and technological advancements, the integration of tokens creates a dynamic and engaging ecosystem for all participants. By leveraging tokens, Lool.Vision transforms every interaction into an opportunity for users and vendors to enhance their experience, build loyalty, and drive growth. Whether through rewarding honest reviews, providing exclusive access to premium features, or fostering a community-driven platform, tokens serve as the cornerstone of a vibrant digital marketplace. As we continue to evolve and embrace the future, the seamless integration of tokens will ensure that Lool.Vision remains at the forefront of the e-commerce revolution, offering unparalleled value and fostering a thriving, interconnected community.


    Q3 2024: Platform Launch

    • Launch Lool.Market: Officially release the platform, allowing sellers to onboard and list their products.
    • Token Generation Event (TGE): Launch the LOOL Token through a TGE, making it available for purchase and use within the platform.
    • Begin Marketing Campaigns: Start initial marketing efforts targeting crypto enthusiasts, decentralized platform users, and early adopters.
    • Onboard Early Sellers: Focus on onboarding early-stage sellers, including local retailers and digital product creators.

    Q4 2024: Early User Growth & Adoption

    • Referral Program Launch: Introduce a referral program to encourage users to bring in sellers and buyers.
    • Community Building: Engage crypto communities and influencers to promote platform awareness.
    • User Feedback Collection: Gather user feedback to optimize platform usability, fixing bugs, and improving features based on early user input.
    • Seller Education Programs: Provide onboarding content and webinars to support sellers.

    Q1 2025: Scaling Operations & Expanding Features

    • Global Marketing Expansion: Expand marketing efforts to target international markets, focusing on high-growth regions like Southeast Asia and Latin America.
    • LOOL Token Loyalty Program: Introduce a loyalty program where buyers can earn LOOL Tokens for discounts and rewards.
    • Mobile App Development: Begin developing the Lool.Market mobile app for iOS and Android.

    Q2 2025: Mobile App Launch & Listing

    • Mobile App Launch: Release the mobile app for both platforms, improving access for users.
    • Onboarding New Sellers: Focus on expanding the seller base, with initiatives aimed at attracting new sellers from diverse markets.
    • LOOL Token Listing: List the LOOL Token on various cryptocurrency exchanges to increase accessibility and liquidity for token holders.

    Q3 2025: VR Prototype and Partnerhips

    • VR Storefront Prototype: Begin development on the VR storefront prototype for immersive product showcases.
    • LOOL Token Utility Expansion: Increase the use cases for LOOL Tokens, allowing users to spend tokens on purchases and exclusive offers.
    • Partnerships with Influencers: Form partnerships with influencers and crypto communities to further increase platform awareness.

    Q4 2025: Growth & Product Expansion

    • Increase Global Seller Base: Focus on expanding the global seller base with onboarding initiatives.
    • VR Storefront Testing: Conduct early testing of the VR storefront prototype with select sellers.
    • Expanded Marketing: Scale marketing efforts with a focus on both traditional e-commerce buyers and crypto-native users.
    • AI-Powered Personalization Planning: Start planning AI-powered product discovery and personalized shopping experiences.

    Q1 2026: VR Marketplace

    • VR Storefront Launch: Launch the VR marketplace, allowing buyers to browse and interact with products in an immersive 3D environment.
    • AI-Powered Features Rollout: Implement AI-driven product recommendations and personalized shopping experiences.

    Q2 2026: Advanced User Experience & Sustainability

    • Enhanced Seller Tools: Provide more advanced seller management tools, including detailed analytics and AI-driven insights.
    • Sustainability Initiatives: Introduce sustainability-focused product categories and promote eco-friendly sellers.
    • Expand Global Reach: Push marketing and partnerships to more international markets, establishing a strong global presence.

    Q3-Q4 2026: Continued Expansion & Leadership

    • Continuous Innovation: Keep evolving with cutting-edge VR, AI, and blockchain technologies to maintain market leadership.
    • Global Marketplace Leadership: Position Lool.Market as a leading Web3 e-commerce platform worldwide.
    • Sustainability Certifications: Encourage sellers to adopt sustainable practices and products, rewarding them with LOOL Tokens.


      Our team comprises professionals with extensive experience working for top global corporations. The collective expertise ensures that we have the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of launching and scaling a VR marketplace. Here are key members and their achievements:

      • Founder & Visionary: With a tech visionary with 20 years of experience, Sergiu Tulgara brings an unparalleled passion for testing and evaluating the latest tech innovations. His journey began with the early days of Windows 95 and has evolved alongside the latest advancements in software and hardware. Sergiu’s expertise and deep understanding of technology and extensive business acumen uniquely position him to foresee and shape the future of our company.
      • Co-founder: Mihail Ojog brings a wealth of experience to our team, having worked with esteemed organizations such as the World Bank, United Nations, and USAID, as well as international private companies and NGOs for last 20 years. As a specialist in project management, Mihail has successfully led multi-million dollar projects and coordinated teams of over 100 people. His expertise spans various fields, including economy, infrastructure, social development, human rights, digitizing agriculture, and geographic information systems. Mihail holds a master’s degree in economics and business management and has undergone extensive training in Europe, the USA, and Canada. Fluent in five languages, he balances his professional life with a commitment to fitness and meditation. Over the past six years, Mihail has delved into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, leveraging his skills as an investor and economist to explore innovative solutions that drive crypto adoption. As the co-founder of our VR Marketplace venture, Mihail is dedicated to harnessing the potential of blockchain technology to create a seamless and user-friendly virtual marketplace experience for all.
      • CEO: Vage Sahakyan, an accomplished technology leader with over 23 years of experience in IT and technical management, has a proven track record of leading large-scale digital transformation projects and managing complex IT infrastructures. With expertise in both CIO and CTO roles, Vage excels in strategic planning, team leadership, and innovative technology solutions. Vage Sahakyan has held pivotal roles such as Director of Data Center Directorate at Sheremetyevo International Airport, Executive Director at Sberbank’s SberInfra, and Technical Director at United Concepts. His expertise spans digital transformation, hybrid cloud strategy, and VR platform development, having successfully led teams and projects across diverse industries. He brings a wealth of knowledge in leadership, data center and cloud computing, IT service management, and AI technologies. Balancing his professional life, Vage enjoys strategic thinking, systematized processes, and fostering innovation within teams.
      • PPM: Oleg Svirskyi, Principal Product Manager with 16 years of diverse managerial experience (SPM, SPL, SPgM, SPrM, SAM, HoD) at companies such as Luxoft, EPAM, Comodo CA, Speed & Function, Sabre Corp., and Tallium Digital. Over 5 years as a Crisis Manager and 5 years in Fintech solutions. Successfully delivered more than a hundred products and projects. Managed up to 40 simultaneous projects with over 500 people at a time. Balances work and life by seeking adrenaline through skydiving, airsoft, historical fencing, bouldering, karting, and diving.
      • Roman Nichitin AI Consultant & Veteran C/C++ Developer: boasts 17 years of C/C++ development experience in the telecommunications and automotive sectors. Now he is consulting an AI R&D project for OEM for OEM car manufacturer, Roman excels in ASPICE and Scrum Agile methodologies, with proficiency in C/C++, Java, Python, and SQL. His deep knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and OOP design, coupled with strong leadership skills, makes him a driving force in technological innovation.
      • CMO: Alexei Munteanu is a seasoned marketing professional with extensive experience in strategic marketing, brand management, and business development. Currently serving as the Director of Marketing at Viorica Cosmetic, the largest cosmetics company in Moldova.
      • Administrator: Julia Lungu is the administrator of the Lool.Vision project and a skilled coach. She is capable of analyzing complex problems and helping people achieve maximum efficiency. Thanks to her charisma, professionalism, and empathy, Julia easily establishes contact with people and becomes an invaluable advisor. Her ability to balance firmness with support inspires those around her to reach new heights.

      Community and Engagement

      Building a Vibrant Community

      At Lool.Vision, we believe that a strong and engaged community is the backbone of any successful marketplace. Our vision extends beyond simply offering cutting-edge products; we aim to create a dynamic, interactive, and supportive community where users feel valued and heard.

      User-Centric Engagement

      • Personalized Experiences: Each user interaction with Lool.Vision is designed to be unique and personalized. Our advanced AI-driven recommendation system ensures that users discover products tailored to their interests and preferences, enhancing their shopping experience and fostering a deeper connection with our platform.
      • Interactive Platforms: Lool.Vision offers a range of interactive features including live product demos, Q&A sessions with experts, and community forums. These platforms enable users to engage directly with product creators, ask questions, share experiences, and provide feedback.
      • Gamification and Rewards: To make the shopping experience more engaging, we have integrated gamification elements. Users can earn points, badges, and rewards for various activities such as writing reviews, referring friends, and participating in community events. This not only boosts engagement but also creates a sense of achievement and loyalty.

      Empowering Our Users

      • Community-Driven Innovation: We actively involve our community in the innovation process. Through regular surveys, beta testing programs, and feedback sessions, users have the opportunity to shape the future of Lool.Vision. Their insights and suggestions are invaluable in helping us refine our offerings and enhance user satisfaction.
      • Support and Assistance: Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist users with any queries or issues they may encounter. We also provide comprehensive resources such as how-to guides, video tutorials, and a knowledge base to ensure users can make the most of their experience on our platform.

      Engaging Content and Communication

      • Compelling Storytelling: At Lool.Vision, we understand the power of storytelling. Our content strategy focuses on sharing compelling stories about our products, their creators, and the impact they have on users’ lives. This approach not only informs but also inspires and engages our audience.
      • Social Media and Influencers: We leverage the reach and influence of social media platforms to connect with our community. Collaborations with influencers and thought leaders help amplify our message, reach a broader audience, and build credibility.
      • Regular Updates and Newsletters: Keeping our community informed is a priority. We provide regular updates through newsletters, blog posts, and social media about new product launches, upcoming events, and exclusive offers. This continuous communication keeps users engaged and excited about what’s next.

      Inclusivity and Diversity

      • A Welcoming Environment: Lool.Vision is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community. We celebrate diversity and strive to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and respected. Our platform is designed to be accessible to users of all backgrounds and abilities.
      • Global Reach: With a vision to connect people worldwide, Lool.Vision supports multiple languages and currencies, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for our global audience. We are dedicated to understanding and catering to the unique needs of users from different regions and cultures.

      At Lool.Vision, community and engagement are at the heart of everything we do. By fostering a vibrant, interactive, and inclusive community, we aim to build lasting relationships with our users and create a marketplace that is not only technologically advanced but also deeply connected to its audience.

      Closing Note

      Dear Investors,

      Thank you for taking the time to explore the vision and potential of Lool.Vision. Your support and investment are crucial in helping us realize our mission to revolutionize the e-commerce landscape through cutting-edge technology. Together, we can create a marketplace that not only meets the needs of today’s consumers but also sets new standards for the future of online shopping.

      We are committed to delivering a secure, immersive, and user-friendly shopping experience by leveraging the latest advancements in VR, AI, and blockchain technology. With your partnership, we are confident in our ability to overcome the current challenges in e-commerce and bring our innovative platform to reality.

      We look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you and achieving great success together.


      The Lool.Vision Team